Women's crochet motifs tunic - Vintage from the 70's


2 sizes: 32 and 34in. bust. 

Materials: 800 gr. Patons Totem; 4mm. (No. 8 UK) (G/6 US) disc crochet hook. 

Measurements: To fit 32-34in. bust, actual 35in.; length 25in. [1 in. = 2.54cm].

Tension: 1 patt. to 1¼ in.; 3 rows to 1 in.; central motif should measure 7½ in. square.


 - Make two motifs. 

Make 8 ch., join with sl-st. to form ring. 

1st Rnd.: 18 d.c. in ring, sl-st. in first d.c. 

2nd Rnd.: * 5 ch., miss 2 d.c., 1 d.c. in next d.c., rep. from * 4 times, 5 ch., miss 2 d.c., sl-st. in sl-st. 

3rd Rnd.: (1 d.c., 1 h.tr., 5 tr., 1 h.tr., 1 d.c.) in each 5 ch. loop to end, sl-st. in first d.c. 

4th Rnd.: 6 ch., 1 d.c. in centre tr. of shell, * 3 ch., 1 tr. in first d.c. of next shell, 3 ch., 1 d.c. in centre tr. of shell, rep. from * 4 times, 3 ch., sl-st. in 3rd ch. at beg. of rnd. 

5th Rnd.: (1 d.c., 5 tr., 1 d.c.) in each 3 ch. loop to end, sl-st. in first d.c. 

6th Rnd.: Sl-st. to centre tr. of shell, * 5 ch., 1 d.c. in centre tr. of next shell, rep. from * 10 times, 5 ch., sl-st. in last sl-st. at beg. of rnd. 

7th Rnd.: As 3rd rnd. 

8th Rnd.: 5 ch., * (1 tr., 2 ch., 1 d.tr., 2 ch., 1 tr.) in centre tr. of shell, (2 ch., 1 tr. in first d.c. of next shell, 2 ch., 1 d.c. in centre tr. of shell) twice, 2 ch., 1 tr. in first d.c. of next shell, 2 ch., rep. from* 3 times, omitting 1 tr. and 2 ch. at end of last rep., sl-st. in 3rd ch. at beg. of rnd. 

9th Rnd.: 5 ch., * 1 tr. in tr., 2 ch., (1 tr., 2 ch., 1 d.tr., 2 ch., 1 tr.) in d.tr., (2 ch., miss 2 ch., 1 tr. in next st.) 6 times, 2 ch., rep. from * 3 times, omitting 1 tr. and 2 ch. at end of last rep., sl-st. in 3rd ch. at beg. of rnd. 

10th Rnd.: * ( 1 d.c., 1 h.tr., 2 tr.) in next 2 ch. loop, 1 tr. in next st., (2 tr., 1 h.tr., 1 d.c.) in next 2 ch. loop, rep. from * to end, sl-st. in first d.c. 

11th Rnd.: 5 ch., 1 d.c. in centre tr. of shell, * 2 ch., 1 tr. in first d.c. of corner shell, 2 ch., 1 d.c. in 2nd tr. of shell, 2 ch., 1 tr. in next tr., 2 ch., 1 d.c. in next tr., (2 ch., 1 tr. in first d.c. of next shell, 2 ch., 1 d.c. in centre tr. of shell) 4 times, rep. from * 3 times, working section in brackets 3 times instead of 4 in last rep., 2 ch., sl-st. in 3rd ch. at beg. of rnd. Fasten off,


Make 89 ch. 

1st Row: Miss 7 ch., 1 tr. in next ch., * 2 ch., miss 2 ch., 1 tr. in next ch., rep. from * to end. 

2nd Row: 1 ch., * ( 1 d.c., 1 h.tr., 2 tr.) in next 2 ch. loop, 1 tr. in next tr., (2 tr., 1 h.tr., 1 d.c.) in next 2 ch. loop, rep. from * to end, working last half shell in turning ch. loop - 14 shells. 

3rd Row: 5 ch., 1 d.c. in centre tr. of shell, * 2 ch., 1 tr. between shells, 2 ch., 1 d.c. in centre tr. of shell, rep. from * to last half shell, 2 ch., 1 tr. in last d.c. 

4th Row: (1 d.c., 3 ch.) in first tr., 1 tr. in next d.c., * 2 ch., 1 tr. in next tr., 2 ch., 1 tr. in next d.c., rep. from * to turning ch. loop, 2 ch., miss 2 ch., 1 tr. in next ch. Rep. rows 2 to 4 incl. until work measures approx. 12½ in., ending with a 4th row. 

Divide work to place motif - Next Row: 1 ch., * (1 d.c., 1 h.tr., 2 tr.) in next 2 ch. loop, 1 tr. in next tr., (2 tr., 1 h.tr., 1 d.c.) in next 2 ch. loop, rep. from * 3 times, turn. 

Work 13 rows on these 4 patts.

To Shape Armhole:

1st Row: Sl-st. to first d.c., 3 ch., 1 tr. in next tr., patt. to end. 

2nd Row: Patt. to last tr. and turning ch., turn. 

3rd Row: Sl-st. to centre tr. of shell, patt. to end. 

4th Row: Patt. to 1st 2 ch., miss 2 ch., 1 d.tr., in sl-st. 

5th Row: 1 ch., miss d.tr. and tr., patt. to end. 

6th Row: Patt. - 2 patts. Patt. 2 rows. **

Leave this side of work, miss next 12 2 ch. loops for motif and join another ball of yarn with a sl-st. in next tr., patt. to end. 

Work to match other side to **, reversing shapings. Fasten off. 

Return to first side, patt. across 2 patts., make 35 ch., 1 tr. in first d.c. on second side, patt. to end. 

Next Row: (1 d.c., 3 ch.) in first tr., 1 tr. in next d.c., 2 ch., 1 tr. in next tr., 2 ch., 1 tr. in next d.c., 2 ch., 1 tr. in next tr., (2 ch., miss 2 ch., 1 tr. in next ch.) 11 times, 2 ch., miss 2 ch., 1 tr. in next tr., 2 ch., 1 tr. in next d.c., 2 ch., 1 tr. in next tr., 2 ch., 1 tr. in next d.c., 2 ch., miss 2 ch., 1 tr. in next ch. *** Work 11 rows. Fasten off.


Work as back to ***. 

Divide for Neck:

1st Row: 1 ch., * (1 d.c., 1 h.tr., 2 tr.) in next 2 ch. loop, 1 tr. in next tr., (2 tr.. 1 h.tr., 1 d.c.) in next 2 ch. loop, rep. from * twice, turn. 

2nd Row: Sl-st. to centre tr. of shell, patt. to end. 

3rd Row: Patt. to last 2 ch., miss 2 ch., 1 d.tr. in sl-st. 

4th Row: 1 ch., miss d.tr. and tr., patt. to end. 

Work 7 rows on rem. 2 patts. Fasten off. 

Miss next eight 2 ch. loops, join yarn with a sl-st. in next tr. and work other side to match. 


With a slightly damp cloth and warm iron, press lightly. Using a flat seam, sew motifs into front and back, then join side and shoulder seams. With right side facing, work 1 row d.c. round neck and armhole edges. Press seams. 
