This Phentex pattern comes with instructions for 3 sizes slippers: children, women and men, meaning the whole family can wear the same slippers. 😊 Excelent idea for Christmas, even using a red yarn.
Sizes: 7", 8" e 10" lenght of sole (=18, 20 and 25 cm).
Directions are given for ladies' size. Children and men's sizes are in parenthesis.
Size hook suggested: H or I (=5 or 5.5mm). For a larger size slipper use a larger hook.
ch - chain
sc - single crochet
hdc - half double crochet
dc - double crochet
st - stitch
sts - stitches
sl - slip
rnd - round
Slippers (make two the same)
Sole: ch 24 (20, 30), work 3 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each of: (Rnd 1) next 10 (8, 13) chs, hdc in next, dc in each of next 10 (8, 13), work 5 dc in starting ch. Working along the other side of the chain, dc in each of next 10 (8, 13), hdc in next, sc in next 10 (8, 13), sc in the same chain where original 3 sc were made.
Rnd 2 — Ch 1 tightly. 2 sc in each of the next 2 sc, sc in each st to the five dcs in the starting chain, 2 sc in each of the 5 dcs (the third set of 2 is the tip of the toe), sc in each st to ch 1.
Rnd 3 — Ch 1. Skip ch 1 of previous round, work 2 sc in next sc, sc in next st (this st is back center of heel), 2 sc in next sc, sc to within 5 sc of 2 sc at tip of toe. *2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc*. Repeat from *to* 4 times, sc to ch 1.
Rnd 4— Ch 1, skip ch 1 of previous rnd, *sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc*. Repeat from *to * once, sc in each st to st directly over hdc in first rnd, hdc, dc in next 13 (11, 15), sc, *2 dc in next sc, dc in next sc*. Repeat from *to* 4 times, dc in next 13 (11, 15), sc, hdc (over hdc of rnd 1) sc to ch 1.
Rnd 5 — Edge of sole. WORKING IN FRONT LOOPS FOR THIS ROUND ONLY Ch 1, sc (inserting hook under front loop) in each st around sole to ch 1.
Rnds 6, 7, 8 — Skip ch 1, sc in each st around sole for 3 rnds. Fasten off end of rnd 8.
Heel extension — Join yarn to sc back in last rnd in line with hdc, sc around heel to above hdc other side, ch 1 turn. Sc to join sc, ch 1 turn, sc another row, ch 1 turn, sl st across extension. Fasten off.
Instep ribbing — Ch 15 (13, 19), sc in second ch from hook and remaining chs. Ch 1, turn. WORKING IN BACK LOOPS ONLY FOR INSTEP RIBBING.
Rows 1, 2 — 2 sc in first sc (the first sc as chain made in) sc across row to next to last st, 2 sc in last st, ch 1, turn. sc across row, ch 1, turn.
Rows 3, 4, 5 and 6. Repeat rows 1 and 2 twice.
Row 7 — sc across row, ch 1, turn.
Row 8 — Decrease first st. (hook into first two sc, make one st) sc across row to last 2 sts, decrease 1. ch 1, turn.
Row 9 — Sc across row, ch 1, turn.
Rows 10, 11, 12 and 13 — Repeat rows 8 and 9 twice. Fasten off. Sew instep ribbing in place on slipper, matching middle points to tip of toe, easing in both sides. Weave in loose ends.
Este modelo da Phentex vem com instruções para 3 tamanhos, pelo que a família poderá usar pantufas iguais. 😊 Excelente ideia para o Natal, até usando um fio vermelho.
Tamanhos: 7", 8" e 10" de comprimento da sola (=18, 20 e 25 cms).
As indicações gerais são para o tamanho da mulher, as indicações para criança e homem encontram-se entre parêntesis.
Agulha de crochê aconselhada H ou I (= 5 ou 5.5mm). Para um tamanho de pantufa maior aconselha-se utilizar uma agua de crochê maior também.
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