Bandeau pattern - Bikini top pattern - Summer clothing - Vintage pattern


SIZES: Directions are to fit 32 inch bust. Changes for 34 and 36 inch bust are in brackets.

GAUGE: 24 stitches and 12 rows to 4 inches over patt worked with Size C crochet hook.

MATERIALS: 1 [1:2] x 2oz balls Spinnerin Wintuk Sport Print Yarn, one Size C crochet hook, 1 yard round elastic, 4 buttons.


Using Size C hook make 30ch for center back edge.

Base row: Into 4th ch from hook work 1dc, *1ch, skip next ch, 1dc into next ch, rep from* to end. Turn. 13 ch sp. Commence patt. 

1st row: 3ch, 1dc into first dc, *1ch, 1dc into next dc, rep from * to end. Turn. 
2nd row: 3ch, 1dc into first dc, *1dc into next ch sp, 1dc into next dc, rep from * to end. Turn. 
3rd row: 3ch, 1dc into each dc to end. Turn.
4th row: 3ch, 1dc into first dc, *1ch, skip next dc, 1dc into next dc, rep from * to end. Turn. 
These 4 rows form patt. Rep them 20 [21:22] times more, then work the 1st to 2nd rows again. Do not break off yarn. 

Lower edging: Knot one end of elastic. Hold elastic at lower edge of top with knot at center back edge, cont in sc along lower edge, working 2 sts to each row end and taking yarn over elastic to form casing. Cut elastic to desired length and knot, then cont in sc up opposite side of foundation ch. Fasten off. 

Finishing: Sew knots securely. Press lightly under a dry cloth with a cool iron. Sew 4 buttons equally spaced along last row of top. Cut 6 strands of yarn each 120 inches long and make a twisted cord. Knot and trim ends. Knot cord around center front of top, leaving ends for ties. 

st(s) - stitch(es); ch - chain; sl st - slip stitch; sc - single crochet; hdc - half double crochet; dc - double crochet; beg - beginning; inc - increase; lp - loop; pat - pattern; rnd - round; RS - right side; sk - skip; sp - space. 

I hope you enjoy making this pattern and that it fits just right!
