Women crochet tank dress - Easy and fast to make - Vintage


SIZES: Small, Medium and Large 

Materials Required: American Thread “Aunt Lydia’s” Heavy Rug Yarn 6 (7, 8)—70 Yd Skeins Taupe 1 (1, 1)—70 Yd. Skein each Orange and Watermelon Aluminum; Crochet Hook Size K or any size hook which will result in stitch gauge below.

GAUGE: 2 trc = 1 inch 

Directions are given for Small size. Changes for Medium and Large sizes are given in parentheses. Width across front or back at underarm: 18 (19½, 21) inches. 

BACK: With Watermelon ch 74 (80, 86), 1 trc in 6th st from hook, * ch 1, skip next st of ch, 1 trc in next st, repeat from * across ch, cut Watermelon, attach Orange (when changing colors always complete last half of last st with next color), turn. 

2nd ROW: Ch 4 (counts as 1st trc), 1 trc in each trc and in 4th st of end ch, 36 (39, 42) trc, cut Orange, attach Taupe. Repeat 2nd row until back measures 25 (25, 26) inches from beg. 

SHAPE ARMHOLES: Sl st to 4th trc, ch 4, 1 trc in each trc to within last 3 sts, ch 4, turn. 

NEXT 4 ROWS: Work even in trc. 

SHAPE SHOULDERS: Work across 8 sts (all sizes), cut yarn; skip 14 (17, 20) trc, attach yarn and complete 2nd shoulder to correspond, cut yarn. 

FRONT: Work same as back to 2 rows after armhole shaping. Work back and forth across 8 sts (all sizes) for 3 rows for 1 shoulder, cut yarn; skip 14 (17, 20) sts for neck, attach yarn and work 3 rows in trc for other shoulder, cut yarn at end of last row. 

FINISHING: Sew shoulder and side seams. With Orange work a row of sc all around each armhole and neck edge, working 1 sc in each trc and 3 sc over side of each trc, join, cut yarn. Attach Watermelon and work 1 sc in each sc, join, cut yarn. 

GENERAL CROCHET ABBREVIATIONS: Ch: chain; St: stitch; Sl st: slip stitch; Sc: single Crochet; Dc: double crochet ; Tr c: treble crochet; Inc: increase; Dec: decrease. 
