Materials: 16 balls main colour (mc), 2 balls each 1st and 2nd contrasts (cc1, cc2) Patons Bluebell Patonised (25g balls); 1 pair No 9 Disc knitting needles; 3.50 (No 9) Disc crochet hook; 6 buttons.
Measurements: To fit bust: 80 (85, 90) cm - 32 (34, 36) in.; measures: 85 (90, 95) cm - 34 (36, 38) in.; length: 55 (55, 56) cm - 21¾ (21¾, 22) in.; sleeves: 43cm (17in).
Tension: 26½ sts to 10cm (approx 4in) over st-st.
Abbreviations: Sl - slip; psso - pass slip stitch over; y fwd - yarn forward; ch - chain; dc - double crochet; tr -treble.
Using No 9 needles and mc, cast on 125 (133, 141) sts. Work 42 rows st-st. dec at each end of 21st and 33rd rows.
43rd Row: K 1 (2, 2) * k 2 tog, y fwd, k 5, rep from * to last 1 (1, 2) st/s, k 1 (1, 2).
Work in st-st dec at each end of every 12th row from previous dec until 113 (121, 129) sts rem. Work 43 (41, 39) rows.
Shape Armholes: Cast off 7 (9, 10) sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec at each end of every row until 83 (85, 87) sts rem. Work 56 (59, 57) rows.
Shape Shoulders: Cast off 8 sts at beg of next 4 rows, then 9 sts at beg of foll 2 rows. Cast off loosely.
Using No 9 needles and mc, cast on 63 (67, 71) sts. Work 2 rows st-st.
3rd Row: K 31 (34, 37), (k 2 tog, y fwd, k 1, y fwd, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 3) twice, k 16 (17, 18).
4th and Alt Rows: Purl.
5th Row: K 30 (33, 36), (k 2 tog, y fwd, k 3, y fwd, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1) twice, k 17 (18, 19).
7th Row: K 29 (32, 35), k 2 tog, y fwd, k 5, y fwd, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso, y fwd, k 5, y fwd, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 17 (18, 19).
9th Row: K 30 (33, 36), (y fwd, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 3, k 2 tog, y fwd, k 1) twice, k 17 (18, 19).
11th Row: K 31 (34, 37), (y fwd, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, k 2 tog, y fwd, k 3) twice, k 16 (17, 18).
13th Row: K 32 (35, 38), (y fwd, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso, y fwd, k 5) twice, k 15 (16, 17).
14th Row: Purl.
Rows 3 to 14 incl form patt.
Work 28 rows patt dec at beg of 7th and 19th rows.
43rd Row: K 6 (2, 5), (k 2 tog, y fwd, k 5) 4 times, patt 17, (k 5, k 2 tog, y fwd) twice, k 3 (4, 5).
44th Row: Purl.
45th Row: K 2 tog, k 26 (29, 32), (y fwd, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 3, k 2 tog, y fwd, k 1) twice, k 17 (18, 19).
Work in patt dec at beg of foll 12th rows 3 times, 57 (61, 65) sts.
Cont in patt until work measures 20 rows less than back to underarm ending with an 8th (6th, 4th) row.
Shape Neck: Keeping patt correct, dec at neck edge in next row and foll 4th rows 4 times. Work 3 rows.
Shape Armhole: Next Row: Cast off 7 (9, 10) sts, patt to last 2 sts, k 2 tog. Work 1 row.
Dec at armhole edge in every row 8 (9, 11) times, at same time dec at neck edge in 3rd row and foll 4th rows 1 (2, 3) times, 34 (35, 35) sts. Work 1 row. Cont in patt thus.
1st Row: K 1 * k 1, k 2 tog, y fwd, k 1, y fwd, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2, rep from * to last 1 (2, 2) st/s, k 1 (2, 2).
2nd and Alt Rows: Purl.
3rd Row: K 1, * k 2 tog, y fwd, k 3, y fwd, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, rep from * to last 9 (10, 10) sts, k 2 tog, y fwd, k 3, y fwd, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 0 (2, 1), k 2 (0, 2) tog.
5th Row: K 2 tog, * y fwd, k 5, y fwd, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso, rep from * to last 7 (9, 8) sts, y fwd, k 5, y fwd, sl 1, k 1 (2 tog 1), psso, k 0 (1, 1).
7th Row: K 1,* y fwd, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 3, k 2 tog, y fwd, k 1, rep from * to last 8 (9, 9) sts, y fwd, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 3, k 2 tog, 0 (y fwd, y fwd), k 1 (2, 2 tog).
9th Row: K 2, * y fwd, sl l, k 1, psso, k 1, k 2 tog, y fwd, k 3, rep from * to last 6 (8, 7) sts, y fwd, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, k 2 tog, y fwd, k 1 (2 tog 2), k 0 (1, 0).
11th Row: K 3, * y fwd, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso, y fwd, k 5, rep from * to last 5 (6, 6) sts, y fwd, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso, y fwd, k 0 (3, 1 ), k 2 (0, 2) tog.
12th Row: Purl.
Rows 1 to 12 incl form patt.
Keeping patt correct dec at neck edge (as before) in foll 4th rows from previous dec until 25 sts rem. Work 21 (21, 17) rows.
Shape Shoulder: Cast off 8 sts at beg of next row and foll alt row.
Work 1 row. Cast off.
Work to correspond with left front.
Using No 9 needles and mc. cast on 55 (57, 57) sts. Work in st-st. inc at each end of 15th row and foll 6th rows until there are 91 (95, 97) sts.
Cont until side edge measures 43cm (17in) from beg, ending with a purl row.
Shape Top: Cast off 2 (4, 4) sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec at each end of next and alt rows until 63 (59, 63) sts rem, then in every row until 17 sts rem. Cast off.
With a slightly damp cloth and warm iron press lightly. Using back stitch, join side, shoulder and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves.
Using mc, work 1 round dc around edges.
2nd Round: Using cc1 (1 dc, 3 ch) in first dc, 1 tr in same dc, * miss 2 dc, ( 1 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr) in next dc, rep from * to last 2 dc, miss 2 dc, sl-st in first ch at beg.
3rd Round: Using cc2 sl-st into 2 ch sp, 1 ch (2 dc, 4 ch, 2 dc) in same 2 ch sp, * (2 dc, 4 ch, 2 dc) in next 2 ch sp, rep from * to end, sl-st in ch at beg. Fasten off.
Using cc1 and cc2 embroider flowers on front as in picture using four lazy daisy sts on each complete diamond pattern from centre to each point, and three lazy daisy sts on half diamonds.
Using 2 strands each of cc1 and cc2, 390cm (153½ in) long, make a twisted cord and thread through eyelet row tying at waist line. Sew on buttons. Press seams.
Happy knitting!
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