Women Vest and Skirt Crochet Suit pattern - Vintage from the 70's



Directions are for Size 10. Changes for Sizes 12, 14 and 16 are in parentheses.


. Aran 10 ply Medium Yarn: 2 oz (60 gr) skein: 

  Vest: 4 (5-5-6) skeins
Skirt: 7 (7-8-8) skeins

. Crochet hooks: Size H/8 [5.00mm / 6UK]

GAUGE: 2 pats to 1 inch; 2 rows to 1 inch. (1 inch = 2.54 cms)

Be Sure Your Stitch Gauge Is Correct.

PATTERN STITCH: Ch indicated number of sts.

Row 1: Starting in 2nd ch from hook, work 1 sc in each ch, ch 2, turn.

Row 2: Draw up a loop in first st, yo and through 2 loops for first pat, * ch 1, draw up a loop in same sc, skip 1 sc, draw up a loop in next sc, yo and through all 3 loops, repeat from * across drawing up last loop in turning-ch, ch 2, turn.

Row 3: Draw up a loop in first ch-1 space, draw up a loop in next ch-1 space, yo and through all 3 loops, * ch 1, draw up a loop in same space as last loop, draw up a loop in next ch-1 space, yo and through all 3 loops for star st, repeat from * across drawing up last loop in turning-ch, ch 2, turn. Repeat Row 3 for pat.


Body: Ch 131 (139-147-155). Work 130 (138-146-154) sc on first row. Work in pat on the 65 (69-73-77) star sts to 18 inches or desired length to underarm. Width across is 32½ (34½-36½-38½) inches. Divide:

Front: Work 15 (16-17-18) star sts for front, ch 3, turn.

Dec Row: Draw up a loop in each of first 2 spaces, yo and through all 3 loops to dec 1 star st, work in pat to last 3 spaces, draw up a loop in same space as last loop, draw up a loop in next space, yo and through 3 loops, ch 1, draw up a loop in same space, draw up a loop in next space and 1 in turning-ch, yo and through all 4 loops to complete dec.

Work 1 row then repeat Dec Row once more. Keeping armhole edge even, continue to dec at neck every other row until 6 (7-7-8) star sts rem. Work on the 6 (7-7-8) pats to 7½ (7½-8-8) inches straight above underarm, fasten off.

Back: Skip 2 star sts on last long row, join yarn before next star, work 31 (33-35-37) star sts. Repeat Dec Row every other row twice. Work on the 27 (29-31-33) star sts to match front armhole, fasten off.

Skip 2 star sts on last long row and work other front to correspond.

Sew shoulder seams, matching star sts. On right side starting at lower edge of right front, crochet 1 row of sc around fronts and neck, ch 2, turn.

Work in star st pat for 2 rows. Fasten off. If desired face fronts with grosgrain ribbon. Close with hook and eye.

On right side crochet 1 row of sc around armholes, join with sl st, ch 2 and work 1 row of star sts. Join and fasten off.


Ch 11. With 10 sc on Row 1, work in pat on 5 star sts to desired length. Work 1 row of sc, fasten off. Face with grosgrain ribbon. Close with snaps.


Ch 83 (87-91-95).

Back: With 82 (86-90-94) sc across Row 1, work in pat on the 41 (43-45-47) star sts for 8 inches.

Repeat Dec Row of vest once. Work on the 39 (41-43-45) star sts to 19 inches from start or 8 inches less than desired finished length.

Repeat Dec Row once more. Width across back at hipline is 18 (19-20-21) inches. Continue in pat, decreasing 1 star st each side every 2½ inches twice then every inch twice more. Work on the 29 (31-33-35) star sts to 27 inches or desired length allowing 1 inch for stretch.

Left Front: Ch 43 (45-47-49). Work 42 (44-46-48) sc on Row 1 of pat. Work on the 21 (22-23-24) star sts for 8 inches. Mark beg of Row 2 for side edge. Dec 1 star st at side edge on next row. Work on the 20 (21-22-23) pats to 19 inches to match back to 2nd dec row.

Dec 1 star st at side edge on next row. Continue in pat decreasing 1 star st at side edge every 2½ inches twice then every inch twice more. Work on the 15 (16-17-18) star sts to match back. Fasten off.

Right Front: Marking end of Row 2 for side edge, work to correspond to left front. Sew side seams. On left edge, starting at top crochet 1 row of sc down front, ch 1, turn. Work 2 star st rows. Fasten off.

Place markers for 9 buttons on left front with first marker about 3½ inches above lower edge and 9th about 1¼ inches below top. On right front starting at lower edge crochet 1 row of sc with ch-2 buttonholes opposite markers.

Work 1 row of star sts with 1 star in each buttonhole. Work 1 more row. Fasten off. Sew belting inside waistline cut to fit, easing in extra fullness of skirt. Close with hooks and eyes. Sew on buttons.
